Carlos Alberto de Souza Apps

Low Vision Keypad 1.71
With three functions that we believe to be ofgreat use, Low Vision Keypad want to help people who have somedegree of difficulty viewing letters and numbers on yourconventional mobile phone.1 - Function to make a phone call without having to write thenumber.2 - Function to translation of words or short texts to fractions,Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German without typing. Just talkand listen to the result of a translation.3 - calculator function to add, dividor, multiply and subtract witha very special feature; all keys speak their number to beprecionadas. Also the result of the calculation, and is in thedisplaythe number is spoken in any of the selected languages.  In this first version we direct for some languages, butwe can extendfor other languages, if requested by users. As is characteristic in our applications help is spoken. Justclick on theAlso, as always, we are open to criticism and suggestions fromeveryone.  Pawered by: Yandex Translater
Low Vision Keyped Free 1.2.4
Com várias funções acreditamos ser de grandeutilidade, Low Vision Keypad quer ajudar as pessoas que têm algumgrau de dificuldade para visualizar as letras e números em seutelefone móvel convencional.1 - função para fazer uma chamada de telefone sem ter que escrevero número.2 - A função de tradução de palavras ou textos curtos para frações,espanhol, italiano, português e alemão sem digitar. Basta falar eouvir o resultado de uma tradução.3 - calculadora função para somar, dividir, multiplicar e subtraircom uma característica muito especial; Suas teclas numéricas parafalar para ser pressionadas. Além disso, o resultado do cálculo, eé no visoro número é falado em qualquer um dos idiomas disponível nestaversão.Nesta primeira versão dirigimos para alguns idiomas, mas podemosestenderpara outras línguas, se solicitado pelos usuários.Como é característico em nossas aplicações ajuda é falado. Bastaclicar sobre oBotão Ajuda e ouvir as principais opções de uso do aplicativo. Alémdisso, como sempre, estamos abertos a críticas e sugestões detodos.Baixa visão.With various functions we believe to be of great use, Low VisionKeypad want to help people who have some degree of difficultyviewing the letters and numbers on your conventional mobilephone.1 - function to make a phone call without having to write thenumber.2 - Translation of function words or short texts for fractions,Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German without typing. Just talkand listen to the result of a translation.3 - calculator function to add, divide, multiply and subtract witha very special feature; Their number keys to be pressed to speak.Furthermore, the result of the calculation, and the displayisthe number is spoken in any of the available languages ​​in thisrelease.In this first version we drove for some languages, but we canextendinto other languages ​​if requested by users.As is characteristic in our applications help is spoken. Just clickon theHelp button and hear the main application usage options. Also, asalways, we are open to criticism and suggestions of all.Low vision.With various functions webelieve to be of great use, Low Vision Keypad want to help peoplewho have some degree of difficulty viewing the letters and numberson your conventional mobile phone.1 - function to make a phone call without having to write thenumber.2 - Translation of function words or short texts for fractions,Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German without typing. Just talkand listen to the result of a translation.3 - calculator function to add, divide, multiply and subtract witha very special feature; Their number keys to be pressed to speak.Furthermore, the result of the calculation, and the displayisthe number is spoken in any of the available languages ​​in thisrelease.In this first version we drove for some languages, but we canextendinto other languages ​​if requested by users.As is characteristic in our applications help is spoken. Just clickon theHelp button and hear the main application usage options. Also, asalways, we are open to criticism and suggestions of all.Low vision.With various functions we believe to be of great use, Low VisionKeypad want to help people who have some degree of difficultyviewing the letters and numbers on your conventional mobilephone.1 - function to make a phone call without having to write thenumber.2 - Translation of function words or short texts for fractions,Spanish, Italian, English and German without typing. Just talk andlisten to the result of the translation.3 - calculator function to add, divide, multiply and subtract witha very special feature; Their number keys to be pressed to speak.Furthermore, the result of the calculation, and the displayisthe number is spoken in any of the available languages ​​in thisrelease.In this first version we drove for some languages, but we canextendinto other languages ​​if requested by users.As is characteristic in our applications help is spoken. Just clickon theHelp button and hear the main application usage options. Also, asalways, we are open to criticism and suggestions of all.Low vision.
Pro Rio Mobilidade Free 1.0.2
Instale este aplicativo para suamobilidade,segurança e localização na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.Install thisapplication to your mobility, safety and location inRio de JaneiroCity.1 - Para localizar um endereço ou nome use o microfone ou escrevaetecle na Lupa para localizar no mapa. Ligue o GPS e sigaaorientação até chegar.2 - Para acessar informações dos Aeroportos ou EstaçãoRodoviáriaNovo Rioclique no botão com a imagem correspondente.3 - Para ligação de emergência ao SAMU - Ambulância públicadeserviçode emergência nos casos de acidente ou situações graves,Bastaclicar uma .única vez no botão com a imagem correspondenteeaguardar a ligação se completar automaticamente.4 - Para chamar a Polícia Militar clique no botão com aimagemcorrespondente e confirme a seguir a discagem.5 - Para outras urgência como Corpo de Bombeiros, DelegaciadePolícia da Mulher, Polícia Rodoviária Federal basta clicar sobreobotão correspondente e aguardar a chamada que seráfeitaautomaticamente.English:1 - To find an address or name, use the microphone type andpressthe Magnifying glass to locate on the map. Turn on the GPSandfollow the guidance to reach.2 - To access information on airports or New Rio Bus Stationclick the button with the corresponding image.3 - For connection to the emergency SAMU - PublicAmbulanceServiceemergency in case of accident or serious situations, Just clickone.single time the button with the corresponding image and waitfor theconnection to be completed automatically.4 - To call the Military Police click the button withthecorresponding image below and confirm the dial.5 - For other urgent as the Fire Department, PoliceDepartmentWomen's Federal Highway Police just click on thecorrespondingbutton and wait for the call that will be doneautomatically.1 - Para buscar una dirección o un nombre, utilice el tipodemicrófono y pulse el Lupa para ubicar en el mapa. Encienda el GPSyseguir la guía para llegar.2 - Para acceder a la información sobre los aeropuertos oNuevaestación de autobuses de Río haga clic en el botón con laimagencorrespondiente.3 - Para la conexión a la emergencia del SAMU - AmbulanciadeServicios Públicosemergencia en caso de accidente o de situaciones graves,Simplementehaga clic en uno. una sola vez el botón con laimagencorrespondiente y esperar a que la conexión se complete deformaautomática.4 - Para llamar a la Policía Militar haga clic en el botón conlaimagen correspondiente abajo y confirme la esfera.5 - Por otra urgencia como el cuerpo de bomberos, la PolicíaFederalde Carreteras del Departamento de Policía de las mujeressimplementehaga clic en el botón correspondiente y esperar a quela llamada quese realiza de forma automática.Sugestões e críticas para e-mail: [email protected] thisapplicationto your mobility, safety and location in Rio de JaneiroCity.Install this application to your mobility, safety and locationinRio de Janeiro City.1 - To find an address or name, or use the microphone type andpressthe magnifying glass to locate on map. Turn on the GPS andfollowthe guidance to reach.2 - To access information on airports or New Rio Bus Stationclick the button with the corresponding image.3 - For connection to the emergency SAMU - PublicAmbulanceServiceemergency in case of accident or serious situations, Just clickone.single time the button with the corresponding image and waitfor theconnection to be completed automatically.4 - To call the Military Police click the button withthecorresponding image below and confirm the dial.5 - For other urgent as the Fire Department, PoliceDepartmentWomen's Federal Highway Police just click on thecorrespondingbutton and wait for the call that will be doneautomatically.Inglês:1 - To find an address or name, use the microphone type andpressthe magnifying glass to locate on the map. Turn on the GPSandfollow the guidance to reach.2 - To access information on airports or New Rio Bus Stationclick the button with the Corresponding image.3 - For connection to the emergency SAMU - PublicAmbulanceServiceemergency in case of accident or serious situations, Just oneclick.single team the button with the Corresponding image and waitfor theconnection to be completed automatically.4 - To call the Military Police click the button withtheCorresponding image below and confirm the dial.5 - For the other urgent the Fire Department, PoliceDepartmentWomen's Federal Highway Police just click on the buttonandCorresponding wait for the call que will be doneautomatically.1 - To get una dirección un nombre, utilice type micrófono yelpush el Magnifier to ubicar en el map. Encienda GPS el yllegarguide to follow her.2 - use to access la información sobre los AeropuertosNuevaEstacion de autobuses de Río haga clic en el botón con laimagencorrespondiente.3 - To plug a la la del SAMU emergency - ambulancePublicOperationemergency en accidente the case of serious Situaciones, haga clicenuno Simplemente. una sola el botón time con la imagenycorrespondiente wait until it is complete plugautomatically.4 - To llamar a la Policía Militar haga clic en elbotóncorrespondiente con la imagen y abajo confirm hersphere.5 - Why such urgency otra el cuerpo de Bomberos, la PolicíaFederalde Carreteras Department Policía del las mujeres simply hagaclicen el correspondiente botón y la llamada wait until that isdoneautomatically.Suggestions and criticisms to email: [email protected]
Radio DiaDia 1.0
Somos ministros do Evangelho de JesusCristo.Pertencemos a Igreja Assembléia de Deus Jurisdição EstânciaVelha ePortão. Cujo, Presidente Pr. Joel Michel da Silva, Queremosatravésdeste trazer louvores e anunciar o amor de Cristo Para comsuaVida.Diretor: Jesus Luciano Vargas…E conhecereis a verdade, e averdadevos libertará. João 8:32We are ministers oftheGospel of Jesus Christ. We belong to Assembly of GodChurchJurisdiction and Old Gate Resort. Cujo, President Pr. JoelMichelda Silva, We want to bring this through praise and proclaimthelove of Christ for with his life.Director: Jesus Luciano Vargas ... you know the truth, and thetruthwill set you free. John 8:32
Pro Curitiba Mobilidade 1.3.4
DescriçãoCom este aplicativo, com instrução falada em Português,Inglês e Espanhol, turistas, visitantes e residentes em Curitibaeregiãotem em seu aparelho celular Android tudo que precisa parasuaMobilidade, Segurança e Localização na Capital e em toda aregiãometropolitana.1 - Chamadas de emergência ao SAMU, bombeiros e polícias comapenasum toque na e tela2 - Consulta e situação dos Voos no Aeroporto3 - Horários de ônibus, informações e compras de passagemonline.4 - Tirar Fotos imediatas sem precisar fechar o aplicativo.5 - Acessar suas redes sociais, enviar e-mails eoutrosrecursosdireto do aplicativo.descriptionWith this app with spoken instruction in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents in Curitibaandregionhave on your Android mobile device everything you need foryourMobility, Location and Security in Capital and throughoutthemetropolitan area.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, firemen and policemen with justatouch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the Airport3 - Timetable bus and shopping online pass.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesdirectly the application.We are open to criticism and suggestions to improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application. [email protected] abertos a críticas e sugestões que visem melhoraraindamais o aplicativo bem como, incluir outras cidades de assimqueformos solicitados. Muito obrigado por instalar oaplicativo.descripciónCon esta aplicación con la instrucción hablada en portuguésTuristas ingleses y españoles, los visitantes y los residentesenCuritiba y región tener en su dispositivo móvil Android todolonecesario para su movilidad, Ubicación y seguridad en la capitalyen toda la zona metropolitana.1 - Las llamadas de emergencia a los ambulancia, bomberos ypolicíascon sólo un toque en la pantalla y2 - Consulta y estado de los vuelos en el Aeropuerto.3 - Horarios Bus y compras online pass.4 - Tome fotos directamente desde la aplicación.5 - Consigue tus redes sociales, enviar correos electrónicos yotrosrecursosdesde la aplicaciónEstamos abiertos a las críticas y sugerencias paraseguirmejorando la aplicación, así como incluir otras ciudades, asíquepedimos. Gracias por instalar la aplicación. [email protected] this app with spoken instruction in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents ofCuritibaAreahave on your Android mobile device everything you need foryourMobility, Location and Security in Capital and throughoutthemetropolitan area.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, firemen and policemen with justatouch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the airport3 - Bus schedules, ticket information and purchases online.4 - Take instant photos without closing the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesDirect application.descriptionWith this app with spoken instruction in EnglishInglês and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents in Curitibaandregionhave on your Android mobile device everything you need foryourMobility, Location and Security in Capital and throughoutthemetropolitan area.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, firemen and policemen with justatouch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the Airport3 - Timetable and bus pass online shopping.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesthe application directly.We are open to criticism and suggestions to Improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application. [email protected] are open to criticism and suggestions to improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application.description availableCon this con la aplicación hablada instrucción en portugueseBritish tourists y españoles, los y los resident visitorsenCuritiba región y tener en su móvil every Android deviceitnecesssary to su movilidad, Ubicación y seguridad en la capitalyen la entire metropolitan area.1 - Las llamadas emergency ambulance to them, policías bomberosysólo con un touch en la pantalla y2 - Consultation and state of them vuelos en el Aeropuerto.3 - Bus Timetables y pass online shopping.4 - Take photos directly from la aplicación.5 - Consigue tus sociales networks, send electronic Correos yotrosresources     desde la aplicaciónWe abiertos criticism y las following suggestions to mejorandolaaplicación, así how to include otras ciudades, así we asked.Graciaspor la aplicación install. [email protected]
Pro Brasília Mobilidade 1.3.2
DescriçãoTotal Mobilidade, Localização e apoio de urgência em Brasília enoDistrito Federal é o objetivo deste aplicativo.Com ajuda falada em três idiomas, Inglês, Espanhol e Portuguêsousuário poderá usufruir das várias funções, da aplicação,taiscomo:1 - Para encontrar um endereço ou nome na Capital e Região,bastaClicar no microfone e falar o que deseja localizar, em seguidanobotão Lupa para iniciar a operação. Se desejar usar o GPS,vocêterá o roteiro completo com orientação até chegar ao local.Tambémpode usar no mesmo momento o Street View disponível peloGoogleMaps para visualizar o local como se ali estivesse aovivo.2 - Para chamadas de urgência ao SAMU, Polícia Militar, CorpodeBombeiros, Polícia Feminina, Polícia Rodoviária Federalbastaclicar no botão com a imagem correspondente, sua ligação seráfeitaimediatamente sem necessidade de digitar números ou localizarnoscontatos.3 - Para informações dos aeroportos, situação e consulta devoos,horários e linhas de ônibus, Terminal Rodoviário basta clicarnobotão com a imagem correspondente e terá acesso diretamenteaolocal das informações via internet.4 - Para obter Informações Meteorológicas - Clima, Tempo,Previsõese demais informações, basta clicar no botão e obterá asinformaçõesque desejar, diretamente do Instituto NacionaldeMeteorologia.NOTA: Este aplicativo também já está disponível nas Cidades dePortoAlegre e Região metropolitana, com o Título de "Teu ônibus",Nacidade de Florianópolis: "Pro Floripa Mobilidade", Rio deJaneiro"Pro Rio Mobilidade", Pro São Paulo Mobilidade, breve, emtodas ascidades sedes da Copa 2014 e demais capitais eregiõesmetropolitanas em todo país.ENGLISHTotal Mobility , Location and support of emergency in theBrazilCapital, is the goal of this application .With spoken help inthreelanguages , English, Spanish and Portuguese user can make useofthe various functions of the application , such as :1 - To find an address or name in the city and region , simplyclickthe microphone and speak what you want to find , then theMagnifierbutton to start operation. If you wish to useGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance to reachthesite. You can also use the same time the Street Viewavailablethrough Google Maps to display the location as if livelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency , Military Police , Fire Department,Women Police , Federal Highway Police just click the button withthecorresponding image , your call will be taken immediatelyno need to type numbers or find contacts .3 - For airport information , location and query flights,timetables and bus lines , Bus Shedule, just click thebuttoncorresponding to the image and will be linked directly tothelocation of information via the internet .4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather, Forecasts andotherinformation simply click on button and get the information youwantdirectly from the National Institute of Meteorology .DescriptionTotal Mobility, Location and support of urgency in Brasília andtheFederal District is the goal of this application.With spoken help in three languages, English, Spanish andPortugueseuser can make use of the various functions of theapplication, suchas:1 - To find an address or name in the Capital Region and,simplyclick the microphone and speak what you want to find, thentheMagnifier button to start operation. If you want to use theGPS,you will have the full script with guidance to reach the site.Youcan also use the same time the Street View available throughGoogleMaps to display the location as there were live.2 - To call the SAMU emergency, Military Police, FireDepartment,Women Police, Federal Highway Police just click thebutton with thecorresponding image, your call will be takenimmediately withoutthe need to enter numbers or findcontacts.3 - For airport information, location and query flights,timetablesand bus lines, bus terminal just click the button withthecorresponding image and have access directly to the locationofinformation via the internet.4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather, Forecasts, andotherinformation, just click the button and get the informationyou wantdirectly from the National Institute of Meteorology.NOTE: This application is now also available in the cities ofPortoAlegre and its metropolitan region, with the title "Your bus,"Inthe city of Florianópolis: "Pro Floripa Mobility," Rio deJaneiro"Pro Rio Mobility" Mobility Pro Sao Paulo , soon, in allvenues ofthe 2014 World Cup and other capitals and metropolitancitiesacross the country.ENGLISHTotal Mobility, Location and support of emergency in thecapitalBrazil, is the goal of this application With help spoken inthreelanguages, Inglês, Spanish and Portuguese user can make use ofthevarious functions of the application, such as.:1 - To find an address or name in the city and region, simplyclickthe microphone and speak what you want to find, then theMagnifierbutton to start operation. If you wish to useGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance to reachthesite. Also you can use the same team available through theStreetView Google Maps to display the location as if livelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency, Military Police, FireDepartment,Women Police, Federal Highway Police just click thebutton with theCorresponding image, your call will be takenimmediatelythe need to type numbers or find contacts.3 - For airport information, location and query flights,timetablesand bus lines, bus Shedule, just click the buttonCorresponding tothe image and will be linked directly to thelocation ofinformation via the internet.4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather, Forecasts andotherinformation simply click on button and get the information youwantdirectly from the National Institute of Meteorology.
Pro Belo Horizonto Mobilidade 1.3.4
DescriçãoCom este aplicativo, com instrução falada em Português,Inglês e Espanhol, turistas, visitantes e residentes emBeloHorizonte e região tem em seu aparelho celular Android tudoqueprecisa para sua Mobilidade, Segurança e Localização na Capitaleem toda a região metropolitana.1 - Chamadas de emergência ao SAMU, bombeiros e polícias comapenasum toque na e tela2 - Consulta e situação dos Voos no Aeroporto Internacional3 - Horários de ônibus e compras de passagem on line.4 - Tirar Fotos direto do aplicativo.5 - Acessar suas redes sociais, enviar e-mails eoutrosrecursosdireto sem precisar fechar o aplicativo.descriptionWith this app with spoken instruction in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents inBeloHorizonte and region have on your Android mobile deviceeverythingyou need for your Mobility, Location and Security inCapital andthroughout the metropolitan area.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU (Ambulance), firemen andpolicemenwith just a touch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the International Airport3 - Timetable bus, subway and shopping online pass.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesDirect application.We are open to criticism and suggestions to improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application. [email protected] abertos a críticas e sugestões que visem melhoraraindamais o aplicativo bem como, incluir outras cidades de assimqueformos solicitados. Muito obrigado por instalar oaplicativo.descripciónCon esta aplicación con la instrucción hablada en portuguésTuristas ingleses y españoles, los visitantes y los residentesenBelo Horizonte y región tener en su dispositivo móvil Androidtodolo necesario para su movilidad, Ubicación y seguridad en lacapitaly en toda la zona metropolitana.1 - Las llamadas de emergencia a los SAMU (ambulancia), bomberosypolicías con sólo un toque en la pantalla y2 - Consulta y estado de los vuelos en el Aeropuerto3 - Horarios Bus, metro y compras online pass.4 - Tome fotos directamente desde la aplicación.5 - Consigue tus redes sociales, enviar correos electrónicos yotrosrecursosdesde la aplicación.Estamos abiertos a las críticas y sugerencias paraseguirmejorando la aplicación, así como incluir otras ciudades, asíquepedimos. Gracias por instalar la aplicación. [email protected] this app with spoken instruction in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents ofBeloHorizonte and region has on your mobile device Androideverythingyou need for your Mobility, Location and Security in thecapitaland throughout the metropolitan area.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, firemen and policemen with justatouch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the International Airport3 - Bus schedules and online ticket purchases.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resources     straight without closingtheapplication.descriptionWith this app with spoken instruction in EnglishInglês and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents inBeloHorizonte and region have on your Android mobile deviceeverythingyou need for your Mobility, Location and Security inCapital andthroughout the metropolitan area.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU (Ambulance), firemen andpolicemenwith just a touch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the International Airport3 - Timetable bus, subway and shopping online pass.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesDirect application.We are open to criticism and suggestions to Improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application. [email protected] are open to criticism and suggestions to improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application.description availableCon this con la aplicación hablada instrucción en portugueseBritish tourists y españoles, los y los resident visitors enBeloHorizonte región y tener en su móvil Android device todolonecesario for su movilidad, Ubicación y seguridad en la capitalyen la entire metropolitan area.1 - Las llamadas Emergency them the SAMU (ambulance),policíasbomberos y sólo con un touch en la pantalla y2 - Consultation and state of them vuelos en el Aeropuerto3 - Schedule Bus, metro pass y online shopping.4 - Take photos directly from la aplicación.5 - Consigue tus sociales networks, send electronic Correos yotrosresources     desde la aplicación.We abiertos criticism y las following suggestions to mejorandolaaplicación, así how to include otras ciudades, así we asked.Graciaspor la aplicación install. [email protected]
Pro Floripa Mobilidade 1.0.1
Descrição Description DescripciónClique no botão Ajuda - Click the Help button - Haga clic enelbotón AyudaSegurança - Mobilidade e Localização.É o propósito deste aplicativo destinado a população, visitanteseturistasque visitam a bela cidade de Florianópolis.1 - Chamadas de emergência ao SAMU, Polícia com apenas toque naetela e 2 - Situação dos Voos no Aeroporto3 - Horários dos ônibus na Capital lincados diretamentenasinformações oficiais da Prefeitura Municipal.4 - Chamada de Urgência ao SAMU, Polícia, Corpo de Bombeiroseoutros telefones de urgência, com apenas um toque na tela,5 - Pesquisar Mapas do Google ao digitar ou falar o LocalouEndereçoprocurado.6 - Abrir Leitor de Códigos de barras ou QR7 - Uso do GPS para conduzir ao local desejadoEstamos abertos a críticas e sugestões que visem melhorar aindamaiso aplicativos bem como, incluir outras cidades assim queformossolicitados. Muito obrigado por instalar o aplicativo.descriptionSecurity - Mobility and Location.It is the purpose of this application for the population,visitorsand touristsvisiting the beautiful city of Florianópolis.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, Police and with just tap thescreenand 2 - Situation of flights at the airport3 - Timetable of buses in the Capital hyperlinked directlyfromofficial information from the City Hall.4 - Call to SAMU Emergency, Police, Fire Department andotheremergency phones with only a touch screen,5 - Search Google Maps by typing or speaking the LocationorAddresssought.6 - Open Reader or QR Barcodes7 - Use of GPS for conducting the desired location     We are open to criticism and suggestionstoimprove further applications as well, including other cities soweordered. Thank you for installing the application.Espanhol:descripciónSeguridad - Movilidad y Localización.Es el propósito de esta solicitud a la población, visitantesyturistasvisitar la hermosa ciudad de Florianópolis.1 - Las llamadas de emergencia al SAMU, Policía y con sólo pulsarlapantalla y 2 - Situación de los vuelos en el aeropuerto3 - Horario de los autobuses en la capital unhipervínculodirectamente de información oficial delAyuntamiento.4 - Llame a SAMU de Emergencia, Policía, Bomberos y otrosteléfonosde emergencia con sólo una pantalla táctil,5 - Buscar mapas de Google escribiendo o hablando de la ubicaciónodirecciónbuscado.6 - Open Reader o QR Códigos de barras7 - Uso de GPS para la realización de la ubicación deseada     Estamos abiertos a las críticasysugerencias para mejorar aún más las aplicaciones, así, comootrasciudades, así que pedimos. Gracias por instalar laaplicación.DescriptionDescriptionDescripciónClick the Help button - Click the Help button - Haga clic enelbotón AyudaSecurity - Mobility and Location.It is the purpose of this application for the population,visitorsand touristsvisiting the beautiful city of Florianópolis.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, Police and with just tap thescreenand 2 - Situation of flights at the airport3 - Timetable of buses in the Capital hyperlinked directlyfromofficial information from the City Hall.4 - Call to SAMU Emergency, Police, Fire Department andotheremergency phones with only a touch screen,5 - Search Google Maps by typing or speaking the LocationorAddresssought.6 - Open Reader or QR Barcodes7 - Use of GPS for conducting the desired location    We are open to criticism and suggestionstoimprove further applications as well, including other cities soweordered. Thank you for installing the application.descriptionSecurity - Mobility and Location.It is the purpose of this application is the population,visitorsand touristsvisiting the beautiful city of Florianópolis.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, Police and with just tap thescreenand 2 - Situation of flights at the airport3 - Timetable of buses in the Capital hyperlinked directlyfromofficial information from the City Hall.4 - Call to SAMU Emergency, Police, Fire Department andotheremergency phones with only a touch screen,5 - Search Google Maps by typing or speaking the LocationorAddresssought.6 - Open Reader or QR Barcodes7 - Use of GPS for Conducting the Desired locationWe are open to criticism and suggestions to Improvefurtherapplications as well, including other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application.Spanish:description availableSeguridad - Movilidad y Localización.Es el purpose of this solicitud a la poblacion, yvisitorstouristsvisit la ciudad hermosa Florianópolis.1 - Las llamadas al SAMU emergency, Policía y con sólo pulsarlapantalla y 2 - Situación of them vuelos en el aeropuerto3 - Time in them un autobuses en la capital hyperlink directlyfromofficial información del Ayuntamiento.4 - Llame the SAMU Emergency, Police, Bomberos y otros conteléfonosemergency sólo una pantalla touch,5 - Search Google Maps escribiendo the hablando de la ubicaciónthedirecciónfetched.6 - Open the Reader QR Barcodes7 - Use GPS to Realización la la Deseada ubicaciónWe abiertos a las critical suggestions to mejorar y aun máslasaplicaciones, así as otras ciudades, así we asked. Gracias porlaaplicación install.
Urgências 1.0.3
Clique no botão Ajuda - Click the Help button-Haga clic en el botón AyudaSegurança - Mobilidade e Localização.É o propósito deste aplicativo destinado a população, visitanteseturistasque visitam o Brasil.1 - Chamadas de emergência ao SAMU, Polícia com apenas toque naetela e 2 - Situação dos Voos no Aeroporto3 - Horários dos ônibus na Capital lincados diretamentenasinformações oficiais do Terminal Rodoviário do Tietê emSãoPaulo.4 - Chamada de Urgência ao SAMU, Polícia, Corpo de Bombeiroseoutros telefones de urgência, com apenas um toque na tela,5 - Pesquisar Mapas do Google ao digitar ou falar o LocalouEndereçoprocurado.6 - Abrir Leitor de Códigos de barras ou QR7 - Uso do GPS para conduzir ao local desejadoEstamos abertos a críticas e sugestões que visem melhorar aindamaiso aplicativos bem como, incluir outras cidades assim queformossolicitados. Muito obrigado por instalar o aplicativo.descriptionSecurity - Mobility and Location.It is the purpose of this application for the population,visitorsand touristsvisiting the Brazil contry.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, Police and with just tap thescreenand 2 - Situation of flights at the airport3 - Timetable of buses in the Capital hyperlinked directlyfromofficial information from the City Hall.4 - Call to SAMU Emergency, Police, Fire Department andotheremergency phones with only a touch screen,5 - Search Google Maps by typing or speaking the LocationorAddresssought.6 - Open Reader or QR Barcodes7 - Use of GPS for conducting the desired locationWe are open to criticism and suggestions to improvefurtherapplications as well, including other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application.Espanhol:descripciónSeguridad - Movilidad y Localización.Es el propósito de esta solicitud a la población, visitantesyturistasvisitar el Brasil.1 - Las llamadas de emergencia al SAMU, Policía y con sólo pulsarlapantalla y 2 - Situación de los vuelos en el aeropuerto3 - Horario de los autobuses en la capital unhipervínculodirectamente de información oficial delAyuntamiento.4 - Llame a SAMU de Emergencia, Policía, Bomberos y otrosteléfonosde emergencia con sólo una pantalla táctil,5 - Buscar mapas de Google escribiendo o hablando de la ubicaciónodirecciónbuscado.6 - Open Reader o QR Códigos de barras7 - Uso de GPS para la realización de la ubicación deseadaEstamos abiertos a las críticas y sugerencias para mejorar aúnmáslas aplicaciones, así, como otras ciudades, así quepedimos.Gracias por instalar la aplicación.Click the Help button-Click the Help button - Haga clic en el botón AyudaSecurity - Mobility and Location.It is the purpose of this application for the population,visitorsand touristsvisiting Brazil.1 - Emergency calls to SAMU, police with just touch the screenandand 2 - Situation of flights at the airport3 - times of buses in the capital hyperlinked directly fromofficialinformation from the Bus Terminal Tiete in SaoPaulo.4 - Call the Emergency SAMU, police, fire department andotheremergency phones, with just a touch on the screen,5 - Search Google Maps by typing or speaking the LocationorAddresswanted.6 - Open bar codes or QR reader7 - Use GPS to drive to the desired locationWe are open to criticism and suggestions aimed at furtherimprovingthe applications as well, including other cities as soonas werequested. Thank you for installing the application.descriptionSecurity - Mobility and Location.It is the purpose of this application for the population,visitorsand touristsBrazil visiting the contry.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, Police and with just tap thescreenand 2 - Situation of flights at the airport3 - Timetable of buses in the capital hyperlinked directlyfromofficial information from the City Hall.4 - Call to SAMU Emergency, Police, Fire Department andotheremergency phones with only the touch screen,5 - Search Google Maps by typing or speaking the LocationorAddresssought.6 - Open Reader or QR Barcodes7 - Use of GPS for conducting the Desired location     We are open to criticismandsuggestions to Improve further applications as well,includingother cities so we ordered. Thank you for installingtheapplication.Spanish:description availableSeguridad - Movilidad y Localización.Es el purpose of this solicitud a la poblacion, visitorsytouristsvisit el Brazil.1 - Las llamadas of emergency SAMU al, Policía y con la pantallaysólo pulsar 2 - Situación de los vuelos en el aeropuerto3 - Hours de los autobuses en la capital un hyperlinksdirectlyofficer información del Ayuntamiento.4 - Llame the SAMU Emergency, Police, Bomberos y otros teléfonosofemergency con sólo una pantalla tactile,5 - Search Google maps ESCRIBIENDO the hablando de la ubicaciónthedirecciónfetched.6 - Open the Reader QR Barcodes7 - GPS use for it realización de la ubicación deseada     We are abiertos to them criticalymejorar suggestions for aún más las aplicaciones, así asotrasciudades, así we ask. Gracias por la aplicación install.
Pro Recife Mobilidade 1.3.2
DescriçãoCom este aplicativo, com instrução falada em Português,Inglês e Espanhol, turistas, visitantes e residentes no Recifeeregiãotem em seu aparelho celular Android tudo que precisa parasuaMobilidade, Segurança e Localização na Capital e em toda aregiãometropolitana.1 - Chamadas de emergência ao SAMU, bombeiros e polícias comapenasum toque na e tela2 - Consulta e situação dos Voos no Aeroporto Internacional3 - Horários de ônibus, Metrô e compras de passagem on line.4 - Tirar Fotos direto do aplicativo.5 - Acessar suas redes sociais, enviar e-mails eoutrosrecursosdireto do aplicativo.descriptionWith this app with spoken instruction in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents in Recifeandregionhave on your Android mobile device everything you need foryourMobility, Location and Security in Capital and throughoutthemetropolitan area.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, firemen and policemen with justatouch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the International Airport3 - Timetable bus, subway and shopping online pass.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesDirect application.We are open to criticism and suggestions to improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application.Estamos abertos a críticas e sugestões que visem melhorar aindamaiso aplicativo bem como, incluir outras cidades de assim queformossolicitados. Muito obrigado por instalar o aplicativo.descripciónCon esta aplicación con la instrucción hablada en portuguésTuristas ingleses y españoles, los visitantes y los residentesenRecife y regióntener en su dispositivo móvil Android todo lo necesario parasumovilidad, Ubicación y seguridad en la capital y en toda lazonametropolitana.1 - Las llamadas de emergencia a los SAMU, bomberos y policíasconsólo un toque en la pantalla y2 - Consulta y estado de los vuelos en elAeropuertoInternacional3 - Horarios Bus, metro y compras online pass.4 - Tome fotos directamente desde la aplicación.5 - Consigue tus redes sociales, enviar correos electrónicos yotrosrecursosLa aplicación directa.Estamos abiertos a las críticas y sugerencias para seguirmejorandola aplicación, así como incluir otras ciudades, así quepedimos.Gracias por instalar la aplicación que.Description With this app with spoken instruction in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents in Recifeandregionhave on your Android mobile device everything you need foryourMobility, Location and Security in Capital and throughoutthemetropolitan area.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, firemen and policemen with justatouch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the International Airport3 - Timetable bus, subway and shopping online pass.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesDirect application.description  With this app with spoken instruction in EnglishInglês and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents in Recifeandregionhave on your Android mobile device everything you need foryourMobility, Location and Security in Capital and throughoutthemetropolitan area.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, firemen and policemen with justatouch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the International Airport3 - Timetable bus, subway and shopping online pass.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesDirect application.   We are open to criticism and suggestions toImprovefurther the application as well as include other cities soweordered. Thank you for installing the application.  We are open to criticism and suggestions to improvefurtherthe application as well as include other cities so weordered.Thank you for installing the application.description available  Con this con la aplicación hablada instrucciónenportugueseBritish tourists y españoles, los y los resident visitors Recifeeny regióntener en su móvil Android device todo lo necesario for sumovilidad,Ubicación y seguridad en la capital y en la entiremetropolitanarea.1 - Las llamadas SAMU emergency to them, policías bomberos ysólocon un touch en la pantalla y2 - Consultation and state of them vuelos en elAeropuertoInternacional3 - Schedule Bus, metro pass y online shopping.4 - Take photos directly from la aplicación.5 - Consigue tus sociales networks, send electronic Correos yotrosresourcesLa aplicación direct.   We abiertos criticism y las following suggestionstomejorando la aplicación, así how to include otras ciudades, asíweasked. Gracias por la aplicación install it.
Pro São Paulo Mobilidade 1.3.2
DescriçãoTotal Mobilidade, Localização e apoio de urgência na Cidade deSãoPaulo e região é o objetivo deste aplicativo.Com ajuda falada em três idiomas, Inglês, Espanhol e Portuguêsousuário poderá usufruir das várias funções, da aplicação,taiscomo:1 - Para encontrar um endereço ou nome na cidade de São Paulo,doABC ou na região, basta Clicar no microfone e falar o quedesejalocalizar, em seguida no botão Lupa para iniciar a operação.Sedesejar usaro GPS, você terá o roteiro completo com orientação falada atéchegarao local. Também pode usar no mesmo momento o Street Viewdisponívelpelo Google Maps para visualizar o local como seestivesse ao vivono local.2 - Para chamadas de urgência ao SAMU, Polícia Militar, CorpodeBombeiros, Polícia Feminina, Polícia Rodoviária Federalbastaclicar no botão com a imagem correspondente, sua ligação seráfeitaimediatamentesem necessidade de digitar números ou localizar nos contatos.3 - Para informações dos aeroportos, situação e consulta devoos,horários e linhas de ônibus, Metrô, Terminal Rodoviário doTietêbasta clicar no botão com a imagem correspondente e serálinkadodiretamente ao local das informações via internet.4 - Para obter Informações Meteorológicas - Clima, Tempo,Previsõese demais informações basta clicar nobotão e obterá as informações que desejar diretamente doInstitutoNacional de Meteorologia.NOTA: Este aplicativo também já está disponível nas Cidades dePortoAlegre e Região metropolitana, com o Título de "Teu ônibus",Nacidade de Florianópolis: "Pro Floripa Mobilidade", Rio deJaneiro"Pro Rio Mobilidade", breve, em todas as cidades sedes daCopa 2014e demais capitais e regiões metropolitanas em todopaís.ENGLISHTotal Mobility , Location and support of emergency in the CityofSão Paulo Brasil, is the goal of this application .With spoken help in three languages ​​, English , SpanishandPortuguese user can make use of the various functions oftheapplication , such as :1 - To find an address or name in the city of São Paulo , ABCorregion , simply click the microphone and speak what you wanttofind , then the Magnifier button to start operation. If you wishtouseGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance to reachthesite . You can also use the same time the Street Viewavailablethrough Google Maps to display the location as if livelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency , Military Police , Fire Department,Women Police , Federal Highway Police just click the button withthecorresponding image , your call will be taken immediatelyno need to type numbers or find contacts .3 - For airport information , location and query flights,timetables and bus lines , Metro , Bus Terminal Tietê justclickthe button corresponding to the image and will be linkeddirectlyto the location of information via the internet .4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather , Forecasts andotherinformation simply click onbutton and get the information you want directly from theNationalInstitute of Meteorology .DescriptionTotal Mobility, Location and support of emergency in the city ofSãoPaulo and the region is the goal of this application.With spoken help in three languages, English, Spanish andPortugueseuser can make use of the various functions of theapplication, suchas:1 - To find an address or name in the city of São Paulo, ABCorregion, simply click the microphone and speak what you wanttofind, then the Magnifier button to start operation. If you wishtouseGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance to reachthesite. You can also use the same time the Street Viewavailablethrough Google Maps to display the location as iflivelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency, Military Police, FireDepartment,Women Police, Federal Highway Police just click thebutton with thecorresponding image, your call will be takenimmediatelyno need to type numbers or find contacts.3 - For airport information, location and query flights,timetablesand bus lines, Metro, Bus Terminal Tietê just click thebuttoncorresponding to the image and will be linked directly tothelocation of information via the internet.4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather, Forecasts andotherinformation simply click onbutton and get the information you want directly from theNationalInstitute of Meteorology.NOTE: This application is now also available in the cities ofPortoAlegre and its metropolitan region, with the title "Your bus,"Inthe city of Florianópolis: "Pro Floripa Mobility," Rio deJaneiro"Pro Rio Mobility", soon, in all the host cities of the 2014WorldCup and other capitals and metropolitan regions acrossthecountry.ENGLISHTotal Mobility, Location and support of emergency in the City ofSaoPaulo Brazil, is the goal of this application.With help spoken in three languages, Inglês, Spanish andPortugueseuser can make use of the various functions of theapplication, suchas:1 - To find an address or name in the city of São Paulo, ABCorregion, simply click the microphone and speak what you wanttofind, then the Magnifier button to start operation. If you wishtouseGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance to reachthesite. Also you can use the same team available through theStreetView Google Maps to display the location as if livelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency, Military Police, FireDepartment,Women Police, Federal Highway Police just click thebutton with theCorresponding image, your call will be takenimmediatelythe need to type numbers or find contacts.3 - For airport information, location and query flights,timetablesand bus lines, Metro, Bus Terminal Tietê just click thebuttonCorresponding to the image and will be linked directly tothelocation of information via the internet.4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather, Forecasts andotherinformation simply click onbutton and get the information you want directly from theNationalInstitute of Meteorology.
São Paulo City Mobilidade 1.3.0
Total Mobilidade, Localização e apoiodeurgência na Cidade de São Paulo e região é o objetivodesteaplicativo.Com ajuda falada em três idiomas, Inglês, Espanhol e Portuguêsousuário poderá usufruir das várias funções, da aplicação,taiscomo:1 - Para encontrar um endereço ou nome na cidade de São Paulo,doABC ou na região, basta Clicar no microfone e falar o quedesejalocalizar, em seguida no botão Lupa para iniciar a operação.Sedesejar usaro GPS, você terá o roteiro completo com orientação falada atéchegarao local. Também pode usar no mesmo momento o Street Viewdisponívelpelo Google Maps para visualizar o local como seestivesse ao vivono local.2 - Para chamadas de urgência ao SAMU, Polícia Militar, CorpodeBombeiros, Polícia Feminina, Polícia Rodoviária Federalbastaclicar no botão com a imagem correspondente, sua ligação seráfeitaimediatamentesem necessidade de digitar números ou localizar nos contatos.3 - Para informações dos aeroportos, situação e consulta devoos,horários e linhas de ônibus, Metrô, Terminal Rodoviário doTietêbasta clicar no botão com a imagem correspondente e serálinkadodiretamente ao local das informações via internet.4 - Para obter Informações Meteorológicas - Clima, Tempo,Previsõese demais informações basta clicar nobotão e obterá as informações que desejar diretamente doInstitutoNacional de Meteorologia.NOTA: Este aplicativo também já está disponível nas Cidades dePortoAlegre e Região metropolitana, com o Título de "Teu ônibus",Nacidade de Florianópolis: "Pro Floripa Mobilidade", Rio deJaneiro"Pro Rio Mobilidade", breve, em todas as cidades sedes daCopa 2014e demais capitais e regiões metropolitanas em todo país.ENGLISHTotal Mobility , Location and support of emergency in the CityofSão Paulo Brasil, is the goal of this application .With spoken help in three languages ​​, English , SpanishandPortuguese user can make use of the various functions oftheapplication , such as :1 - To find an address or name in the city of São Paulo , ABCorregion , simply click the microphone and speak what you wanttofind , then the Magnifier button to start operation. If you wishtouseGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance to reachthesite . You can also use the same time the Street Viewavailablethrough Google Maps to display the location as if livelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency , Military Police , Fire Department,Women Police , Federal Highway Police just click the button withthecorresponding image , your call will be taken immediatelyno need to type numbers or find contacts .3 - For airport information , location and query flights,timetables and bus lines , Metro , Bus Terminal Tietê justclickthe button corresponding to the image and will be linkeddirectlyto the location of information via the internet .4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather , Forecasts andotherinformation simply click onbutton and get the information you want directly from theNationalInstitute of Meteorology .Total Mobility,Locationand support of emergency in the city of São Paulo and theregion isthe goal of this application.With spoken help in three languages, English, Spanish andPortugueseuser can make use of the various functions of theapplication, suchas:1 - To find an address or name in the city of São Paulo, ABCorregion, simply click the microphone and speak what you wanttofind, then the Magnifier button to start operation. If you wishtouseGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance to reachthesite. You can also use the same time the Street Viewavailablethrough Google Maps to display the location as iflivelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency, Military Police, FireDepartment,Women Police, Federal Highway Police just click thebutton with thecorresponding image, your call will be takenimmediatelyno need to type numbers or find contacts.3 - For airport information, location and query flights,timetablesand bus lines, Metro, Bus Terminal Tietê just click thebuttoncorresponding to the image and will be linked directly tothelocation of information via the internet.4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather, Forecasts andotherinformation simply click onbutton and get the information you want directly from theNationalInstitute of Meteorology.NOTE: This application is now also available in the cities ofPortoAlegre and its metropolitan region, with the title "Your bus,"Inthe city of Florianópolis: "Pro Floripa Mobility," Rio deJaneiro"Pro Rio Mobility", soon, in all the host cities of the 2014WorldCup and other capitals and metropolitan regions across thecountry.ENGLISHTotal Mobility, Location and support of emergency in the CityofSao Paulo Brazil, is the goal of this application.With help spoken in three languages, Inglês, Spanish andPortugueseuser can make use of the various functions of theapplication, suchas:1 - To find an address or name in the city of São Paulo, ABCorregion, simply click the microphone and speak what you wanttofind, then the Magnifier button to start operation. If you wishtouseGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance to reachthesite. Also you can use the same team available through theStreetView Google Maps to display the location as if livelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency, Military Police, FireDepartment,Women Police, Federal Highway Police just click thebutton with theCorresponding image, your call will be takenimmediatelythe need to type numbers or find contacts.3 - For airport information, location and query flights,timetablesand bus lines, Metro, Bus Terminal Tietê just click thebuttonCorresponding to the image and will be linked directly tothelocation of information via the internet.4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather, Forecasts andotherinformation simply click onbutton and get the information you want directly from theNationalInstitute of Meteorology.
Radio Dia e Noite Com Jesus 1.0
Este aplicativo é um projeto criado emligaçãoa nossa igreja para divulgar notícias, louvores e eventos.Umaemissora para evangelização e para trazer a nossa igreja paramaisperto de todos através dos meios de comunicação. "Irmãos,quanto amim, não julgo que o haja alcançado; mas uma coisa faço, eé que,esquecendo-me das coisas que atrás ficam, e avançando para asqueestão adiante, prossigo para o alvo pelo prêmio davocaçãocelestial de Deus em Cristo Jesus." (Filipenses 3,13-14)Depois de instalar a Rádio em seu aparelho celular ou tabletvocêpode também compartilhar com outros irmãos. Clique no botãoabaixoa direita do player e envie o convite pelo WhatsApp, E-mail,msn ououtro que desejar.Nosso endereço: Rua Um,183 CEFER DOIS Porto Alegre - RS-BrasilFones: 51-99100106 - 51- 81537274- 51-30199071E-mail: [email protected] application isaproject created in connection with our church to disseminatenews,praises and events. A station for evangelization and to bringourchurch closer to everyone through the media. "Brethren, I donotjudge to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, anddo,forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forwardtowhat lies ahead, I press toward the mark for the prize of thehighcalling of God in Christ Jesus. " (Philippians 3: 13-14)After installing the radio on your phone or tablet device youcanalso share with other brothers. Click the button below to therightof the player and send the invitation by WhatsApp, e-mail, msnorother you want.Our address: Rua A, 183 CEFER TWO Porto Alegre - RS - BrazilPhones: 51-99100106 - 81537274- 51- 51-30199071E-mail: [email protected]
Tele Pizza 1.0
Aplicativo para pedidos de pizzaecomnplementos pela internet ou celular:Características especiais:1 - Galeria de fotos do Menu de Pizzas com detalhesdocardápio.2 - Localizador automático pelo mapa onde fica a Pizzaria ousuarede de lojas na Cidade. Se desejar usar o GPS o usuárioseráconduzido ao local.3 - Interface amigável onde o usuário pode fazer seupedidotantoenviando o formulário direto do seu celular para a Pizzaria ou,nomesmo aplicativo, como opção poderá fazer o TELE PEDIDO sem terqueconsultar número nem sair do aplicativo para discar. Bastaapenasclicar no Botão TELE-PIZZA e a chamada para a Pizariaserárealizada automaticamente.4 - No próprio aplicativo o usuário poderá ver a soma deseupedido.5 - Na própria tela o usuário poderá ver as promoçõesoferecidaspela Pizzaria.6 - Clicando no logotipo da Pizzaria o usuário será direcionadoaoSITE dada mesma.8 - Esta versão aqui postada na loja é uma demonstraçãodestinadapara as Pizzarias e empresas similares que atendem oserviço detele entrega.NOTA: O tema além de Pizza, pode ser outro produto, como XisBurger,Baurú, Pastel, Espetos de Churrasco, Galeto, Comida(PratosProntos),Suchi, etc...Mais informações pode ser obtidas pelo e-mail:[email protected] (51) 8334 9999 - OI (51) 9167 9766. Aceita-se sugestões.Application requestsforpizza and comnplementos the Internet or mobile:Special Features:1 - Photo Gallery of Pizzas Menu with details of the menu.2 - by Auto Locator map where is the Pizzeria or its storenetworkin the City. If you want to use the GPS you will be drivento thesite.3 - User friendly interface where the user can place yourordereithersending the form directly from your mobile to the Pizzeria orthesame application, as an option you can do TELE ORDER withouthavingto consult or exit the application number to dial. Just clickonthe button-TELE PIZZA and the call to the pizzeria willbeperformed automatically.4 - In the application itself you can see the sum ofyourorder.5 - At the screen you can see the deals offered by Pizzeria.6 - Clicking on the logo Pizzaria the user will be directed totheSITE     thereof.8 - This version posted here in the store is a show designedforPizzerias and similar companies serving thetelecommunicationsservice delivery.NOTE: The theme besides Pizza, may be another product likeXisBurger, Bauru, Pastel, BBQ Skewers, Cockerel, Food(PreparedMeals)Suchi, etc ...More information can be obtained by e-mail:[email protected] (51) 8334 9999 - HI (51) 9167 9766 accepted suggestions..
Free OneCoin Brasil 14.1
Português:A função deste aplicativo é facilitar o seuCadastramentoGratuito na OneLife/OneCoin e dar o primeiropassopara sua independência financeira com a Cripto Moeda, quevemGerando Riquezas e Tornando Milionáriospessoas em todos os países do mundo. Sem milagres e sem dependerdasorte ou de sorteios.Quais são seus sonhos? Com quem, como e onde você deseja estarnospróximos anos de sua vida?Dê os primeiros passos.1 - Baixe o aplicativo.2 - Preencha os dados solicitados.3 - Se desejar, compartilhe o aplicativo com todos osteuscontatos.4 - Você receberá nossas instruções assim que recebermos osseusdados."A moeda digital tem um impacto positivo na EconomiaGlobal!"Bill GatesSugestão: Se desejar, acista os vídeos nosite:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netEspañol:La función de esta aplicación es para facilitar suregistrogratis en onelife / OneCoin y dar el primer pasopor la independencia financiera con Crypto moneda, quevienegenerando riqueza y muchos Millonariospersonas en todos los países del mundo. Sin milagros y sindependerde las loterías o sorteos.¿Cuáles son sus sueños? Quién, cómo y dónde quiere estar enlospróximos años de su vida?Dar los primeros pasos.1 - Descargar la aplicación.2 - Rellenar los datos solicitados.3 - Si desea compartir la aplicación con todos sus contactos.4 - Usted recibirá nuestras instrucciones, una vez recibidossusdatos."La moneda digital tiene un impacto positivo en laeconomíaglobal" Bill GatesConsejo: Si se desea, acista videos en elsitio:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netEnglish:The function of this application is to facilitate yourFreeRegistration at OneLife / OneCoin and take the first stepFor its financial independence with Cripto Moeda, which hasbeengenerating Riches and Making MillionairesPeople in every country in the world. Without miracles andwithoutrelying on lotteries or sweepstakes.What are your dreams? With whom, how and where do you want to beinthe next few years of your life?Take the first steps.1 - Download the application.2 - Fill in the requested data.3 - If you want, share the application with all yourcontacts.4 - You will receive our instructions as soon as we receiveyourdata."The digital currency has a positive impact on theGlobalEconomy!" Bill GatesSuggestion: If you wish, access the videos on thesite:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netItalianoLa funzione di questa applicazione è quello di facilitareilvostro Registrazione gratuita in ONELIFE / OneCoin e fare ilprimopasso per l'indipendenza finanziaria con Crypto valuta, chevienegenerando ricchezza e Millionaires Farepersone in tutti i paesi del mondo. Senza miracoli e senzafareaffidamento sulla fortuna o lotterie.Quali sono i tuoi sogni? Chi, come e dove si vuole essereneiprossimi anni della tua vita?Prendere i primi passi.1 - Scaricare l'applicazione.2 - Inserire i dati richiesti.3 - Se si desidera condividere l'applicazione con tutti ituoicontatti.4 - Si riceverà le istruzioni una volta che riceviamo i dati."La moneta digitale ha un impatto positivo sull'economiaglobale"Bill GatesSuggerimento: Se lo si desidera, acista video sulsito:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netPortuguese:The function of this application is to facilitate yourFreeRegistration in OneLife / OneCoin and take the first stepfor financial independence with Crypto Currency, whichcomesGenerating Wealth and Making Millionairespeople in all countries of the world. Without miracles andwithoutrelying on luck or sweepstakes.What are your dreams? Who, how and where you want to be in thenextyears of your life?Take the first steps. 1 - Download the application.2 - Fill in the requested data.3 - If you want to share the application with allyourcontacts.4 - You will receive our instructions once we receive yourdata."The digital currency has a positive impact on theglobaleconomy" Bill GatesTip: If desired, acista videos on thesite:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netEspañol:La función de esta es su aplicación to facilitatefreeregistration en onelife / OneCoin y dar el primer pasopor la independencia financiera con Crypto Moneda, que vieneymuchos Generando wealth Millonariospersonas en todos los del mundo countries. Sin milagros y sindependon them Sorteos the lotteries.¿Cuales son sus sueños? Quién, cómo y dónde quiere estar en losañosde su next life?Give them primeros pasos.1 - Download la aplicación.2 - rellenar los datos requested.3 - Si desea compartir la aplicación con todos sus contacts.4 - Usted recibirá nuestras instrucciones, una vez susdatosRECEIVED."La Moneda digital tiene un positive impact en laeconomíaglobal" Bill GatesConsejo: Si se desea, acista videos en elsitio:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netInglês:The function of this application is to Facilitate yourFreeRegistration at OneLife / OneCoin and take the first stepFor its financial independence with Crypto Currency, Which HasBeengenerating Riches and Making MillionairesPeople in every country in the world. Without miracles andwithoutRelying on lotteries or sweepstakes.What are your dreams? With Whom, how and where do you want to beinthe next few years of your life?Take the first steps.1 - Download the application.2 - Fill in the requested date.3 - If you want, share the application with all yourcontacts.4 - You will receive our instructions as soon as we receiveyourdate."The digital currency has a positive impact on theGlobalEconomy" Bill GatesSuggestion: If you wish access the videos on thesite:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netItalianLa Funzione di questa è quello di applicazione facilitate andilvostro Registrazione free in onelife / OneCoin and il primostepfare per l'indipendenza finanziaria con Crypto valuta, chevieneGenerando Ricchezza and Millionaires Farepersone in tutti i paesi del mondo. Senza miracoli e senzafareaffidamento sulla fortune the Lotterie.Quali sleep i tuoi sogni? Chi, eat and dove si vuole essereneiprossimi anni della tua vita?Prendere i primi passi. 1 - Scaricare l'applicazione.2 - Insert, i dati richiesti.3 - If you Desidera condividere l'applicazione con tutti ituoicontatti.4 - Si le riceverà ISTRUZIONI una volta che i dati riceviamo."La Moneta digitale ha un positive impatto sull'economiaglobale"Bill GatesSuggerimento: If you you Desidera, acista south videosito:
Bahia Mobilidade e Segurança 1.3.7
DescriçãoCom este aplicativo, com instrução falada em Português,Inglês e Espanhol, turistas, visitantes e residentes em Salvadoreregião tem em seu aparelho celular Android tudo que precisaparasua Mobilidade, Segurança e Localização na Capital e em todooestado.1 - Chamadas de emergência ao SAMU, bombeiros e polícias comapenasum toque na e tela2 - Consulta e situação dos Voos no Aeroporto.3 - Horários de ônibus.4 - Tirar Fotos sempre que desejar direto do aplicativo.5 - Acessar suas redes sociais, enviar e-mails eoutrosrecursosdireto sem precisar fechar o aplicativo.descriptionWith this app with spoken instruction in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents in SalvadorandBahia state have on your Android mobile device everything youneedfor your Mobility, Location and Security.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU (Ambulance), firemen andpolicemenwith just a touch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the International3 - Timetable bus, subway and shopping online pass.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesDirect application.We are open to criticism and suggestions to improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application. [email protected] abertos a críticas e sugestões que visem melhoraraindamais o aplicativo bem como, incluir outras cidades de assimqueformos solicitados. Muito obrigado por instalar oaplicativo.descripciónCon esta aplicación con la instrucción hablada en portuguésTuristas ingleses y españoles, los visitantes y los residentesenSalvador Bahia y región tener en su dispositivo móvil Androidtodolo necesario para su movilidad, Ubicación y seguridad.1 - Las llamadas de emergencia a los SAMU (ambulancia), bomberosypolicías con sólo un toque en la pantalla y2 - Consulta y estado de los vuelos en el Aeropuerto3 - Horarios Bus, metro y compras online pass.4 - Tome fotos directamente desde la aplicación.5 - Consigue tus redes sociales, enviar correos electrónicos yotrosrecursosdesde la aplicación.Estamos abiertos a las críticas y sugerencias paraseguirmejorando la aplicación, así como incluir otras ciudades, asíquepedimos. Gracias por instalar laaplicació[email protected] this app with spoken instruction in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents in Salvadorandregion has on your mobile device Android everything you needforyour Mobility, Location and Security in the capital andthroughoutthe state.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, firemen and policemen with justatouch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the airport.3 - Bus schedules.4 - Taking photos whenever you want to straight fromtheapplication.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesstraight without closing the application.descriptionWith this app with spoken instruction in EnglishInglês and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents in SalvadorandBahia state have on your Android mobile device everything youneedfor your Mobility, Location and Security.1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU (Ambulance), firemen andpolicemenwith just a touch on the screen and2 - Query and status of flights at the International3 - Timetable bus, subway and shopping online pass.4 - Take photos directly from the application.5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resourcesDirect application.We are open to criticism and suggestions to Improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application. [email protected] are open to criticism and suggestions to improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application.description availableCon this con la aplicación hablada instrucción en portugueseBritish tourists y españoles, los visitors y en losresidentsSalvador Bahia región y tener en su móvil Android devicetodo lonecesario for su movilidad, Ubicación y seguridad.1 - Las llamadas Emergency them the SAMU (ambulance),policíasbomberos y sólo con un touch en la pantalla y2 - Consultation and state of them vuelos en el Aeropuerto3 - Schedule Bus, metro pass y online shopping.4 - Take photos directly from la aplicación.5 - Consigue tus sociales networks, send electronic Correos yotrosresourcesdesde la aplicación.We abiertos criticism y las following suggestions to mejorandolaaplicación, así how to include otras ciudades, así we asked.Graciaspor la aplicación install. [email protected]
Teu Ônibus 1.2.5
Aplicativo para chamadas de emergência aoSAMU,Polícia com apenas toque na e tela outros recursos comosituação dosVoos no Aeroporto Salgado Filho, horários de ônibus detoda RegiãoMetropolitana de Porto Alegre lincados diretamente nasempresas queservem o transporte coletivo na Região. Entre osrecursos citados,em sua primeira edição, o aplicativo inclui:Linhas de ônibus ehorários em Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo,Sapucaia do Sul, Esteio,Canoas, Alvorada, Cachoeirinha, Gravataí,Viamão, além do TRENSURB,ônibus que partem das EstaçõesRodoviárias de Novo Hamburgo, SãoLeopoldo e Porto Alegre paraoutras cidades. Em apenas um toque natela você poderá pesquisarhorários específicos de cada empresaentre elas Viação Hamburguesa,Viação Futura, Viação Sinoscap,Viação Leopoldense, Real Rodovias,VICASA, SOGAL, Empresa Central eTrensurb. O aplicativo tambéminclui outros recursos como Chamada deUrgência a SAMU, Polícia,Corpo de Bombeiros e outros telefones deurgência, com apenas umtoque na tela, Pesquisar Mapas do Google aodigitar ou falar oLocal ou Endereço que você procura. Abrir Leitorde Códigos debarras ou QR além do uso do GPS do seu Android.Estamos abertos acríticas e sugestões que visem melhorar ainda maiso aplicativosbem como, incluir outras cidades assim que formossolicitados.Muito obrigado por instalar o aplicativo.Application to theSAMUemergency calls, just tap the Police with screen and otherfeaturessuch as status of flights at Salgado Filho Airport, busschedulesthroughout the metropolitan region of Porto Alegrehyperlinkeddirectly in companies serving the public transportationin theregion. Among the features discussed in the first edition,theapplication includes: Bus routes and schedules in NovoHamburgo,São Leopoldo, Sapucaia South Pillar, Canoes,Daybreak,Cachoeirinha, Gravesend, Aberystwyth, beyond TRENSURB,buses thatrun from Bus Stations Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo andPorto Alegreto other cities. In just a touch on the screen you cansearch forspecific times of each company including HamburguesaTraffic,Transportation Future, Transportation Sinoscap,TrafficLeopoldense, Royal Road, VICASA, Sogal, Central andTrensurbCompany. The app also includes other features like call theSAMUEmergency, Police, Fire Department and other emergency phoneswithonly a touch screen, search Google Maps to enter or speaktheaddress or location you seek. Open Reader barcodes or QRadditionto the use of GPS on your Android. We are open to criticismandsuggestions to improve further applications as well,includingother cities so we ordered. Thank you for installingtheapplication.
Free OneCoin Nigeria 20.2
English:Very important financial opportunity for Entrepreneursorindividuals from all countries.Download the application and send the data to receiveFreeRegistration information.More than 2.5 million people Already registered in a few months.Oneof the most impressive growthsIn the world financial market in all history.The function of this application is to facilitate yourFreeRegistration at OneLife / OneCoin and take the first stepFor its financial independence with Cripto Moeda, which hasbeengenerating Riches and Making MillionairesPeople in every country in the world. Without miracles andwithoutrelying on lotteries or sweepstakes.What are your dreams? With whom, how and where do you want to beinthe next few years of your life?Take the first steps.1 - Download the application.2 - Fill in the requested data.3 - If you want, share the application with all yourcontacts.4 - You will receive our instructions as soon as we receiveyourdata."The digital currency has a positive impact on theGlobalEconomy!" Bill GatesSuggestion: If you wish, access the videos on thesite:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netYoruba made by Google Translation.Awọn iṣẹ ti yi ohun elo ni lati dẹrọ rẹ Free RegistrationniOneLife / OneCoin ati ki o ya awọn akọkọ igbeseFun awọn oniwe-owo ominira pẹlu Cripto Moeda, eyi ti o ti a tinpeseỌrọ ati Ṣiṣe millionairesEniyan ni gbogbo orilẹ-ede ni agbaye. Lai iyanu ati lai gbigbearalori lotteries tabi ije.Ohun ti o wa ala rẹ? Pẹlu ẹniti, bi o ati ibi ti ni o fẹ lati waniawọn tókàn ọdun diẹ ti aye re?Ya awọn akọkọ awọn igbesẹ.1 - Gba awọn ohun elo.2 - Kun ninu awọn beere data.3 - Ti o ba fẹ, pin awọn ohun elo pẹlu gbogbo awọnolubasọrọrẹ.4 - O yoo gba wa ilana bi ni kete bi a ti gba rẹ data."Awọn oni owo ni o ni a rere ikolu lori Global Aje!"BillGatesAba: Ti o ba ti o ba fẹ, wọle si awọn fidio loriojula:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netInglês:Very important financial opportunity for EntrepreneursorIndividuals from all countries.Download the application and send the data to receiveFreeRegistration information.More than 2.5 million people registered Already in a few months.Oneof the most impressive growthsIn the world financial market in all history.The function of this application is to Facilitate yourFreeRegistration at OneLife / OneCoin and take the first stepFor its financial independence with Crypto Currency, Which HasBeengenerating Riches and Making MillionairesPeople in every country in the world. Without miracles andwithoutRelying on lotteries or sweepstakes.What are your dreams? With Whom, how and where do you want to beinthe next few years of your life?Take the first steps.1 - Download the application.2 - Fill in the requested date.3 - If you want, share the application with all yourcontacts.4 - You will receive our instructions as soon as we receiveyourdate."The digital currency has a positive impact on theGlobalEconomy" Bill GatesSuggestion: If you wish access the videos on thesite:http://www.onecoin.comunidades.netYoruba made by Google Translation.Awon Ise ti yi ohun link ni lati Dero re Free RegistrationniOneLife / OneCoin ati ki ya Awon Akoko igbeseFun oniwe-owo awon ominira Pelu Crypto Currency, yi ti ti a tinpeseORO ati Sise millionairesEniyan ni gbogbo Orile-ede ni agbaye. Lai lai ati iyanu gbigbearalori lotteries tabi ije.Ohun wa ala re? Pelu ẹniti, bi the ati ibi ti ni lati wa niFaithAwon Tokan odun diethylamine re aye?Ya Awon Awon Akoko igbesẹ.1 - Gba Awon ohun link.2 - Kun ninu Awon beere date.3 - Ti Fe ba, pin Awon ohun link Pelu gbogbo AwonolubasọrọRé.4 - The yoo gba wa ilana bi ni kete bi a ti gba re date."Awon oni owo ni ni the rere ikolu lori Global Aje!"BillGatesAba: Ti ti ba ba faith, Wole you Awon fidio loriojula:
Radio Bip Brazil 1.0
1 - Com este aplicativo você vai curtirumaseleção de sucessos de músicas brasileiras e internacionaisdetodos os tempos e gerações.2 - Rádio Bip está há 5 anos na Web sendo a pioneira emlocuçãomulti idiomas onde você recebe mensagens dos locutores emsuaprópria linguagem.3 - Todos os ritmos, Melhores produções musicais, astros damúsicade todas as gerações. Só na RadioBip Brasil..3 - With this app you will enjoy a selection of hits fromBrazilianand international music from all times andgenerations.4 - Radio Beep is 5 years on the Web being a pioneer inmultilanguages voiceover where receive messages from speakers intheirown language.5 - All the rhythms, Best musical productions, music stars ofallgenerations. Only in RadioBip Brazil .6 - Try! Maybe you like also the RadioBip! - Tente! Talvez tugostetambém da RadioBip!7 - Also meet other Carlos A.Souza applications in GooglePlay..Conheça também outros aplicativos de Carlos A.Souza noGooglePlay: - With this app youwillenjoy a selection of hits from Brazilian and internationalmusicfrom all times and generations.2 - Radio beep is 5 years on the Web being a pioneer inmultilanguages ​​voiceover where you receive messages from speakersintheir own language.3 - All the rhythms, Best musical productions, music stars ofallgenerations. Only in RadioBip Brazil ..3 - With this app you will enjoy a selection of hits fromBrazilianand international music from all times andgenerations.4 - Radio beep is 5 years on the Web being the pioneer inmultilanguages ​​voiceover where receive messages from speakers inTheirown language.5 - All the rhythms, Best musical productions, music stars ofallgenerations. Only in RadioBip Brazil.6 - Try! Maybe you like Also the RadioBip! - Try! Maybe youlikealso the RadioBip!7 - Also meet other Carlos A.Souza applications in Google Play..See also other Carlos A.Souza applications on Google Play:
Pro Rio Mobilidade e Segurança 1.0.1
Instale este aplicativo para suamobilidade,segurança e localização na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.Install thisapplication to your mobility, safety and location inRio de JaneiroCity.1 - Para localizar um endereço ou nome use o microfone ou escrevaetecle na Lupa para localizar no mapa. Ligue o GPS e sigaaorientação até chegar.2 - Para acessar informações dos Aeroportos ou EstaçãoRodoviáriaNovo Rioclique no botão com a imagem correspondente.3 - Para ligação de emergência ao SAMU - Ambulância públicadeserviçode emergência nos casos de acidente ou situações graves,Bastaclicar uma .única vez no botão com a imagem correspondenteeaguardar a ligação se completar automaticamente.4 - Para chamar a Polícia Militar clique no botão com aimagemcorrespondente e confirme a seguir a discagem.5 - Para outras urgência como Corpo de Bombeiros, DelegaciadePolícia da Mulher, Polícia Rodoviária Federal basta clicar sobreobotão correspondente e aguardar a chamada que seráfeitaautomaticamente.English:1 - To find an address or name, use the microphone type andpressthe Magnifying glass to locate on the map. Turn on the GPSandfollow the guidance to reach.2 - To access information on airports or New Rio Bus Stationclick the button with the corresponding image.3 - For connection to the emergency SAMU - PublicAmbulanceServiceemergency in case of accident or serious situations, Just clickone.single time the button with the corresponding image and waitfor theconnection to be completed automatically.4 - To call the Military Police click the button withthecorresponding image below and confirm the dial.5 - For other urgent as the Fire Department, PoliceDepartmentWomen's Federal Highway Police just click on thecorrespondingbutton and wait for the call that will be doneautomatically.1 - Para buscar una dirección o un nombre, utilice el tipodemicrófono y pulse el Lupa para ubicar en el mapa. Encienda el GPSyseguir la guía para llegar.2 - Para acceder a la información sobre los aeropuertos oNuevaestación de autobuses de Río haga clic en el botón con laimagencorrespondiente.3 - Para la conexión a la emergencia del SAMU - AmbulanciadeServicios Públicosemergencia en caso de accidente o de situaciones graves,Simplementehaga clic en uno. una sola vez el botón con laimagencorrespondiente y esperar a que la conexión se complete deformaautomática.4 - Para llamar a la Policía Militar haga clic en el botón conlaimagen correspondiente abajo y confirme la esfera.5 - Por otra urgencia como el cuerpo de bomberos, la PolicíaFederalde Carreteras del Departamento de Policía de las mujeressimplementehaga clic en el botón correspondiente y esperar a quela llamada quese realiza de forma automática.Sugestões e críticas para e-mail: [email protected] thisapplicationto your mobility, safety and location in Rio de JaneiroCity.Install this application to your mobility, safety and locationinRio de Janeiro City.1 - To find an address or name, or use the microphone type andpressthe magnifying glass to locate on map. Turn on the GPS andfollowthe guidance to reach.2 - To access information on airports or New Rio Bus Stationclick the button with the corresponding image.3 - For connection to the emergency SAMU - PublicAmbulanceServiceemergency in case of accident or serious situations, Just clickone.single time the button with the corresponding image and waitfor theconnection to be completed automatically.4 - To call the Military Police click the button withthecorresponding image below and confirm the dial.5 - For other urgent as the Fire Department, PoliceDepartmentWomen's Federal Highway Police just click on thecorrespondingbutton and wait for the call that will be doneautomatically.Inglês:1 - To find an address or name, use the microphone type andpressthe magnifying glass to locate on the map. Turn on the GPSandfollow the guidance to reach.2 - To access information on airports or New Rio Bus Stationclick the button with the Corresponding image.3 - For connection to the emergency SAMU - PublicAmbulanceServiceemergency in case of accident or serious situations, Just oneclick.single team the button with the Corresponding image and waitfor theconnection to be completed automatically.4 - To call the Military Police click the button withtheCorresponding image below and confirm the dial.5 - For the other urgent the Fire Department, PoliceDepartmentWomen's Federal Highway Police just click on the buttonandCorresponding wait for the call que will be doneautomatically.1 - To get una dirección un nombre, utilice type micrófono yelpush el Magnifier to ubicar en el map. Encienda GPS el yllegarguide to follow her.2 - use to access la información sobre los AeropuertosNuevaEstacion de autobuses de Río haga clic en el botón con laimagencorrespondiente.3 - To plug a la la del SAMU emergency - ambulancePublicOperationemergency en accidente the case of serious Situaciones, haga clicenuno Simplemente. una sola el botón time con la imagenycorrespondiente wait until it is complete plugautomatically.4 - To llamar a la Policía Militar haga clic en elbotóncorrespondiente con la imagen y abajo confirm hersphere.5 - Why such urgency otra el cuerpo de Bomberos, la PolicíaFederalde Carreteras Department Policía del las mujeres simply hagaclicen el correspondiente botón y la llamada wait until that isdoneautomatically.Suggestions and criticisms to email: [email protected]
Radio Bip Brasil New 1.0
1 - Com este aplicativo você vai curtirumaseleção de sucessos de músicas brasileiras e internacionaisdetodos os tempos e gerações.2 - Rádio Bip está há 5 anos na Web sendo a pioneira emlocuçãomulti idiomas onde você recebe mensagens dos locutores emsuaprópria linguagem.3 - Todos os ritmos, Melhores produções musicais, astros damúsicade todas as gerações. Só na RadioBip Brasil..3 - With this app you will enjoy a selection of hits fromBrazilianand international music from all times andgenerations.4 - Radio Beep is 5 years on the Web being a pioneer inmultilanguages voiceover where receive messages from speakers intheirown language.5 - All the rhythms, Best musical productions, music stars ofallgenerations. Only in RadioBip Brazil .6 - Try! Maybe you like also the RadioBip! - Tente! Talvez tugostetambém da RadioBip!7 - Also meet other Carlos A.Souza applications in GooglePlay..Conheça também outros aplicativos de Carlos A.Souza noGooglePlay: - With this app youwillenjoy a selection of hits from Brazilian and internationalmusicfrom all times and generations.2 - Radio Bip is 5 years on the Web being the pioneer inmultilanguages ​​voiceover where you receive messages from thespeakersin their own language.3 - All the rhythms, Best musical productions, music stars ofallgenerations. Only in RadioBip Brazil ..3 - With this app you will enjoy a selection of hits fromBrazilianand international music from all times andgenerations.4 - Radio Beep is 5 years on the Web being the pioneer inmultilanguages ​​voiceover where receive messages from speakers inTheirown language.5 - All the rhythms, Best musical productions, music stars ofallgenerations. Only in RadioBip Brazil.6 - Try! Maybe you like the RadioBip Also! - Try! Maybe youlikealso the RadioBip!7 - Also meet other Carlos A.Souza applications in Google Play..Discover also other Carlos A.Souza applications onGooglePlay:
Radio Bip Global 1.0
1 - Com este aplicativo você vai curtirumaseleção de sucessos de músicas brasileiras e internacionaisdetodos os tempos e gerações.2 - Rádio Bip está há 5 anos na Web sendo a pioneira emlocuçãomulti idiomas onde você recebe mensagens dos locutores emsuaprópria linguagem.3 - Todos os ritmos, Melhores produções musicais, astros damúsicade todas as gerações. Só na RadioBip Brasil..3 - With this app you will enjoy a selection of hits fromBrazilianand international music from all times andgenerations.4 - Radio Beep is 5 years on the Web being a pioneer inmultilanguages voiceover where receive messages from speakers intheirown language.5 - All the rhythms, Best musical productions, music stars ofallgenerations. Only in RadioBip Brazil .6 - Try! Maybe you like also the RadioBip! - Tente! Talvez tugostetambém da RadioBip!7 - Also meet other Carlos A.Souza applications in GooglePlay..Conheça também outros aplicativos de Carlos A.Souza noGooglePlay: - With this app youwillenjoy a selection of hits from Brazilian and internationalmusicfrom all times and generations.2 - Radio Bip is 5 years on the Web being the pioneer inmultilanguages ​​voiceover where you receive messages from thespeakersin their own language.3 - All the rhythms, Best musical productions, music stars ofallgenerations. Only in RadioBip Brazil ..3 - With this app you will enjoy a selection of hits fromBrazilianand international music from all times andgenerations.4 - Radio Beep is 5 years on the Web being the pioneer inmultilanguages ​​voiceover where receive messages from speakers inTheirown language.5 - All the rhythms, Best musical productions, music stars ofallgenerations. Only in RadioBip Brazil.6 - Try! Maybe you like the RadioBip Also! - Try! Maybe youlikealso the RadioBip!7 - Also meet other Carlos A.Souza applications in Google Play..Discover also other Carlos A.Souza applications onGooglePlay:
BitCoin OneCoin Calculate 1.1.2
Calculate how many Bitcoin in Eurosareequivalent to the OneCoin / OneLife packageWith this calculation you can, if you wish, with BitCoins toinvestin OneLife / OneCoin Packages.Here's how to use this app:1 - Check the updated value of BitCoin in Euros at the top ofthescreen and update the value in the BitCoin field of thisApp.2 - Choose the amount in Euros of the OneLife Package that youwillinvest, 140, 550, 1100, 3300, 5500, 13750 or 27500 €. Note: The140Euro Package is required if you are a new member.3 - After choosing the desired Package, immediately the valueinBitCoins will be calculated and shown on the screen.4 - Consult the person who invited you if you have aregisteredaccount forReceive BitCoins On Line. The official registration numbershouldlook like this3AqHYDdzmHFxyiHNvny55h71XCNJUt4bD7 with 34 characters.Theequivalent QRCode can also be used.5 - After the transfer of BitCoin, if you are a new member, asktheOneCoin Member for your Immediate Registration, with your loginandpassword check your data in your OneLife BackOffice.Address:https://onelife.euNote: Next to this application we are linking thesite where you can collecthundredsof information about the OneLife / OneCoin project.Calcule quantos Bitcoin em Euros equivalem aopacoteOneCoin/OneLifeCom este cálculo você pode, se desejar, com BitCoins investiremPacotes da OneLife / OneCoin.Português:Veja como usar este Aplicativo:1 - Verifique o valor atualizado do BitCoin em Euros napartesuperior da tela e atualize o valor no campo do BitCoindesteApp.2 - Escolha qual o valor em Euros do Pacote da OneLife que vocêvaiinvestir, 140, 550, 1100, 3300, 5500, 13750 ou 27500 €. Nota:OPacote de 140 Euros é obrigatório se você é um novo membro.3 - Após optar pelo Pacote desejado, imediatamente o valoremBitCoins será calculado e mostrado na tela.4 - Consulte a pessoa que convidou você se ela possuecontaregistrada parareceber BitCoins On Line. O número de registro oficial devesersemelhante a este3AqHYDdzmHFxyiHNvny55h71XCNJUt4bD7 com 34 caracteres. Tambémpodeser utilizado o QRCode equivalente.5 - Após a transferência dos BitCoin, se você é novomembro,solicite ao Membro da OneCoin seu Registro imediato,com seulogin esenha confira seus dados no seu BackOffice da OneLife.Endereço:https://onelife.euObs: Junto a este aplicativo estamos vinculando osite onde você pode colhercentenasde informações sobre o projeto OneLife / OneCoin.Español:Calcula cuántos Bitcoin euros, equivalente al paquete OneCoin/onelifeCon este cálculo se puede, si se desea, con bitcoins invertirenpaquetes de onelife / OneCoin.Ver cómo utilizar esta aplicación:1 - Comprobar el valor actualizado de BitCoin en Euros en lapartesuperior de la pantalla y actualizar el valor en el campoBitCoinesta aplicación.2 - Elija el que el valor onelife paquete de euros que vaainvertir, 140, 550, 1100, 3300, 5500, 13750 o 27500 €.Nota:Paquete de 140 euros se requiere si usted es unnuevomiembro.3 - Después de elegir el paquete deseado inmediatamente el valordebitcoins se calcula y se muestra en la pantalla.4 - Véase la persona que le invitó a que posee cuentaregistradaarecibir bitcoins On Line. El número oficial de registrodeberíatener este aspecto3AqHYDdzmHFxyiHNvny55h71XCNJUt4bD7 34 caracteres. También sepuedeutilizar QRCode equivalente.5 - Después de la transferencia de BitCoin, si usted esnuevomiembro, pedir al miembro de OneCoin su registro inmediato,sunombre de usuario y contraseña, compruebe sus datos ensuBackOffice de onelife. Dirección: https://onelife.euNota: Junto con esta solicitud estamos vinculando elsitio donde se puede obtenercientosde información del proyecto onelife / OneCoin.Calculate how manyBitcoinin Euros are equivalent to the OneCoin / OneLifepackageWith this calculation you can, if you wish, with BitCoins toinvestin OneLife / OneCoin Packages.Here's how to use this app:1 - Check the updated value of BitCoin in Euros at the top ofthescreen and update the value in the field of BitCoin thisApp.2 - Choose the amount in Euros of the OneLife Package That Youwillinvest, 140, 550, 1100, 3300, 5500, 13750 or € 27,500. Note:The140 Euro Package is required if you are a new member.3 - After choosing the Desired Package, immediately the valueinBitCoins will be calculated and shown on the screen.4 - Ask the person who invited you if you have a registeredaccountisReceive BitCoins On Line. 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Note: Packageof 140Euros is required if you are a new member.3 - After you choose the desired package immediately the valueinBitCoins will be calculated and displayed on the screen.4 - See the person who invited you she possesses registeredaccounttoreceive BitCoins On Line. The official record number shouldlooklike this3AqHYDdzmHFxyiHNvny55h71XCNJUt4bD7 34 characters. It can alsobeused QRCode equivalent.5 - After the transfer of BitCoin, if you are new member, asktheMember of OneCoin their immediate registration, your loginandpassword check your data on your BackOffice of OneLife.Address:https://onelife.euNote: Along with this application we are linking thesite where you can reap hundredsofproject information OneLife / OneCoin.Español:Calculates Cuántos Bitcoin euros, equivalent al bellboy OneCoin/onelifeCon this calculation se puede, si desea if, con bitcoins invertirenbellboy of onelife / OneCoin.See cómo use this aplicación:1 - Comprobar el present value of BitCoin en Euros en la pantalladela top y update el valor en el BitCoin field thisaplicación.2 - Elija el que el valor onelife bellboy euros que va ainvertir,140, 550, 1100, 3300, 5500, 13750 to € 27,500. Note:Paquete 140euros if you requiere usted es un nuevo miembro.3 - Después de elegir el paquete deseado inmediately elbitcoinsvalue is calculated y se muestra en la pantalla.4 - Véase la persona que le INVITO that posee cuentaregisteredtorecibir bitcoins On Line. El official registration numberdeberíatener this aspect3AqHYDdzmHFxyiHNvny55h71XCNJUt4bD7 34 characters. También sepuedeuse equivalent QRCode.5 - Después de la transfer BitCoin, si usted es nuevo miembro askalmiembro de su OneCoin inmediato record, su nombre y contraseñaUserof, compruebe sus datos en su BackOffice onelife.Address:https://onelife.euNote: Along this con solicitud arelinking el sitio donde se puedethorughcientos of información del proyecto onelife / OneCoin.
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